• 1)  What did you do before opening your franchise?

  • 2)  How long has your business been operating?

  • 3)  What made you choose this franchise?

  • 4)  How has it been going for you?

  • 5)  Could you please describe your daily routine? (At start-up of business / at maturity)

  • 6)  How difficult is it to find / train employees?

  • 7)  What do you like best about this business?

  • 8)  What do you like least about this business?

  • 9)  How quickly did you grow customer counts / revenues? (Year 1 . . . Year 2 . . . etc.)

  • 10)  What marketing efforts were most successful to build your sales?

  • 11)  Would you mind sharing with me what you expect your annual revenue to be this year?

  • 12)  Can you tell me roughly what percent of that will drop to the bottom line?

  • 13)  How would you rate your relationship with the franchisor?

  • 14)  How would you rate the initial training?

  • 15)  How would you rate the ongoing support?

  • 16)  How would you rate the marketing programs?

  • 17)  If you had it to do all over again, would you choose this franchise?